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Here you can see some of my pictures.

This is one of my first pics ever taken.

I am a barber here...

It's me with my BMW motorcycle

As you can see... I started driving pretty early..

Me and my private airplane

Reparing automobiles is a piece of cake if you start at this age...

Here you can see me with some of my good Firends

It is tough to go treaking at that age... especially for the parents.

Here is one shoe i bought for myself from Holland.

Here I am with my family in Holland's Tulip gardens.

There you can see my Castle where I live.

Here is my future car.

Perfect fit (there is another one in the second page or photos).

Another view.... of my may be future car....

Or may be this one, for now.

Here me and my father are on top of Europe.

Here you can see me leading the venetian army.